Put this on this spring.
255 Ranunculus
The beginning of spring waiting for flowers to bloom.
Let me introduce Amelie Spring Shadow, which smells like fresh flowers when you apply it.
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Pure and vivid Ranunculus petal color 255 Ranunculus.
255 Ranunculus is for Bomblite, Springlite, and Summer Light Tone.
This is a basic base color that can be used widely.
It's bright, white pink with saturation but no fluorescent light and has a little bit of apricot in it'
If you apply it on bright and dark skin tones, it doesn't look excessive and it turns out white.
It has a moderate white color, but it doesn't float, so it's pink that reminds me of spring.
As the petals bloom, it gets darker
Rather than applying it with a dark color at once, apply it in layers.
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Let's apply it together!
179 Cherry Blossom & 255 Ranunculus
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1. Apply 255 Ranunculus to the entire eyelid with a base shadow and apply 179 Cherry Blossom to the aegyo fat!
2. Apply 255 Ranunculus to your cheeks in tone-on-tone, then apply 179 Cherry Blossom to the top of your cheekbone.
It is mixed with gold and pink, creating a mysterious effect as if you were applying a highlighter.
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